How To Get Commercial Photography Clients

How to Get Commercial Photography Clients | 15 Golden Tips

Whenever we want to purchase something from a shop, we select the most beautiful-looking product. Has this ever happened when you purchased a product that didn’t look attractive?

In online stores, consumers don’t get the opportunity to inspect the product physically before purchasing. Do you know the major factor to consider in that case?

More than 87% of online buyers purchase a product considering the product photo. Therefore, E-commerce companies want to ensure the best possible look for their products.

A professional photographer and Ecommerce Image Editing both are needed to achieve the look of their product photos.

This article is going to help you to get more photography clients for Ecommerce Photographers. Through this article, I am going to share four criteria that will make you special from your competitors. 

Besides, I’m gonna reveal 15 Golden Tips about how to get commercial photography clients. It seems that you can’t wait anymore. Let me take you into the criteria for hiring new Ecommerce Photographers.

How to Get Commercial Photography Clients?

The photography market size in the United States is worth more than 11 billion USD. Some secrets can help you to dominate the photography industry.

Every photographer wants to get more clients. How many of them actually achieve the target? These 15 golden tips will help you to achieve the goal of getting more sales. Permit me to start.

1. Know Your Customer

The first golden tip is to understand your customer’s needs. You have to know about the demand of your customer and fulfill it. As an ecommerce product photographer, you should understand from which angle the product will get its best look.

Also, you should have an idea about the audience who will purchase the product. For example, you need to follow different techniques and angles while capturing different types of products.

Demands are different for clothing item photography and jewelry photography. Talk to the people around you and take their opinion. If you know your customer properly, you can get more photography clients within a short time. Eventually, it’ll make you a successful Ecommerce Product Photographer.

2. Increase Online Visibility

Are you wondering how an Ecommerce photographer can get more commercial photography clients? You need to increase your online visibility. You need to showcase your talent through a website or Facebook page.

Online Visibility

Nowadays, it is important to stay connected with the customer. You can stay connected with your customer using a website. Upload your captured photos on your website.

The audience will get to know about your talent. It will assist you to find more photography projects. Include your pricing and contact information on the website. Along with the website, You can also open a new Facebook page. It won’t take any charges.

Share your captured photos on your Facebook page. In this method, eCommerce owners know about your specialization. From now on, you should grab the opportunity.

3. Understand Customer’s Behavior

If you can understand the customer’s behavior, you will be able to get more photography clients. You have to understand the thoughts of your clients.

Then, you have to deliver him the quality that he is asking for. Ecommerce owners and online sellers need lots of images regularly. As a product photographer, you can get repeated clients through this method.

In the beginning stage, you may find it difficult to understand customers’ behavior. Eventually, you will get better at it after gaining experience. Then, you can beat your competitors and get more commercial photography clients.

4. Get More People To Hear About You

Along with taking quality pictures, it is also important to get people to know about your quality photos. Otherwise, you may have to stick with limited customers.

Nowadays, it isn’t too difficult to let people know about something. You can use digital marketing to let your audience know about your work. You can run your advertising on Facebook, Google, or Instagram.

The more people hear about you is likely to bring more photography clients. Don’t want to spend money on advertising? Social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram are effective methods to promote your photography work.

In that case, you can take Ecommerce Product Photo Editing Services before uploading your photos online. It’ll improve the quality of your product photos.

5. Try Not To Undercut Your Prices, Yet Offer Individual Sessions

Lots of Ecommerce photographers struggle at the start. It becomes difficult to find new projects and clients. In that case, you can attract clients’ attention with offers and discounts. Also, it’ll add more photos to your portfolio.

You can talk to your nearby Ecommerce owners and online sellers to arrange a free photoshoot session for 1 hour or 2 hours.

It’ll give you advantages from various perspectives. Are you curious to know about those advantages? Well, if you can meet their expectations, they will turn into your regular customers. Also, you can upload those photos on your website and social media.

One free photoshoot session creates opportunities of getting several paid projects. That will be great to achieve, won’t it? Now, let’s move to the next golden tips to get more photography clients.

6. Learn From Errors

While doing photography, sometimes there will be some errors. You have to learn from those errors to become a successful photographer and get more photography clients.

To learn from the errors, we have to detect the errors first. Do you know how to find errors? Ask for feedback from your clients. This is one of the best methods to find photography mistakes.

You can also read the comment section of your Photos to get the viewer’s opinion. You can get recommendations for a better angle, distance, or position. These things will help you to improve your skill as an Ecommerce photographer.

7. Become Specific

The photography industry has lots of sections. The objectives are different for specific sections. For example, objectives are different in Ecommerce photography and Portrait Photography.

An Ecommerce owner would like to hire someone who is a specialist in ecommerce Product Photography. Rather than capturing photos in multiple niches, it is better to become a specialist in one niche.

You should create your profile based on that specific niche. If you want to get more Ecommerce Photography Clients, your profile should suggest that you are a product photographer.

Thus, an Ecommerce photographer can get more photography clients. Building a portfolio on random niches won’t assist you much to grow as a good photographer.

8. Build Your Community

Creating your community can help an Ecommerce photographer to get more clients. You have to build a good relationship with your clients. Also, be familiar with people who are connected with Ecommerce, Online Store and Product Photography.

Ask them for recommendations. Hopefully, you will start getting new photography projects. Also, building a community increases your value as an Ecommerce photographer.

Word of mouth is one of the best methods to promote a product or business. Through building a community and good relationship with clients will give you that support.

Therefore, you are most likely to get more clients. Would you like to grab the opportunity? Follow these golden tips for getting more photography clients.

9. Scatter Business Cards At Area Shops

Some photographers spread their business cards in different areas. There is nothing wrong with that marketing approach but you have to be selective while choosing the area.

According to the experts, spreading cards at random places isn’t the best method to promote your photography business. Rather than that, you can scatter business cards in your local area.

It’ll lower the cost of your marketing and make the marketing more effective. Moreover, you can use the saved amount in digital marketing. In that way, you can get attention from both the local audience and the outsider audience. That’ll be the best approach.

10. Revisit And Revise Your Conversation Records Annually

Revisiting your old conversation record is important to organize your future plan. You can do it once a year. You might be thinking about which things to check in old conversations.

Well, you’ll be able to figure out the most important conversation and less important conversation. Also, you can check which conversation led to getting a project.

Revising those conversations will assist you to communicate better. Take a diary and save essential notes from those conversations. Unfortunately, most of the photographers overlook this and let the opportunity go. Only a few photographers follow this method.

This assists them to get more photography clients. Who doesn’t want to get more projects? Follow the tips to start getting more photography clients.

11. Presently Get Out There And Talk to the People

You have to present on the spot and talk to the people. You can’t build up or improve your relationship with clients if you don’t talk to them.

While talking with the clients, you will be able to know their expectations and requirements. It’ll also indicate the area you need to improve as a professional Ecommerce Photographer.

You may think that your assistant can do the job for you. But this isn’t going to improve your photography skill. The more you talk to the people; you’ll get more chances to get hired. If you don’t follow this, your competitors may take the opportunity.

12. Talk to Another Freelance Photographer in Your Field

This might sound strange to you but talk to other freelance photographers in your field. It’ll help you to get more photography projects and clients.

Are you wondering how? Alright, allow me to explain. As I’ve said earlier, the photography industry is worth more than 11 billion USD. You may get an assistant from your local freelance photographer.

They might have extra work and can’t manage their schedule for a project. If you build good communication with them, they may offer you the projects. Search for freelance photographers nearby and communicate with them.

13. Join Ecommerce Photography Events

Whenever you hear about Ecommerce events within your area, try to join the seminar. It will help you to get more clients from various perspectives. First of all, it’ll give you a chance to get familiar with people related to Ecommerce.

Commercial Photography

You can grow your network as a professional Ecommerce product photographer. Besides, you get the opportunity to showcase your skill to the targeted audience.

Different types of Ecommerce Business Owners, Online Sellers, and Freelance Photographers get together in an Ecommerce event. It creates a big opportunity for beginner photographers to get to know each other. Also, it helps professional photographers to get more photography clients.

14. Make Yourself Known

This is a simple solution of how an Ecommerce photographer can get more photography clients. You need to make yourself familiar as an Ecommerce Product Photographer.

You can use social media platforms for that. Also, you can open a YouTube channel and start creating videos about product photography. Share your knowledge and experience with the audience.

These activities will make you familiar as an Ecommerce Photographer. You should start following those tips as soon as possible. Besides, you can start your blog.

You can share your skill and talent with a large audience. Looking for a free marketing method for photographers? Instagram will be one of the best options for that.

15. Get Assistant From Experts

This is the ultimate tip about how to get commercial photography clients. If you deliver professionally edited images to your clients, it will raise your popularity. Professional photo editing services improve the quality of an image.

Therefore, you will be able to deliver better-quality images. It will keep you ahead of other photographers. So, Ecommerce photographers are going to get advantages from various perspectives.

To take the most benefits from this trick, you have to find the best Ecommerce Product Image Editing Service Provider. I recommend you to try Clipping Way.

They are trusted by 600+ photographers across the world. You can get assistance from their expert designers. Hopefully, Ecommerce photographers can get more commercial photography clients following this method.

Some online sellers question why they should hire an Ecommerce photographer. Let me inform you briefly about that.

Think Before Hiring A Commercial Photographer?

# To Focus On Their Business

When we try to focus on multiple sectors at a time, it doesn’t bring the best outcomes. Hiring a photographer will keep them relaxed from photography-related tension. Therefore, they can focus more on their Ecommerce business. Overall, it will be beneficial for your business.

# Get Better Quality Photos

Product photos can be considered as the key factor to succeed in Ecommerce business. There is no way to get more sales apart from using high-quality product photos. Hiring a professional Ecommerce photographer ensures high-quality product photos. An Ecommerce photographer knows better how to get the best look of a product.

# Better Conversion Rate

Professionally taken photos help an Ecommerce business to get more conversion. Your business is going to produce more sales. Moreover, it will bring more traffic to your website. That is never possible with poor-quality product photos. Therefore, an Ecommerce company may think of hiring a professional photographer.

# Provide Visitors A Better Experience

A professional Ecommerce photographer captures product photos from the best angel. It tells visitors about the actual look of that product. It provides Ecommerce website visitors a better user experience. That will influence the visitor to purchase products from your online store. Most probably, they will turn into your regular customers.

# To Save Time

Organizing the product for photography, pre-planning, and capturing product photos from various angles takes a lot of time. Ecommerce owners can’t afford to spend a lot of time on photography.

They need to focus on product quality, product delivery, marketing, and other business factors. Hiring an Ecommerce photographer saves their time.

That’s it. An Ecommerce company may think of hiring an Ecommerce photographer considering those factors.


I’ve revealed 15 golden tips about how an Ecommerce photographer can get more photography clients. Alongside, you learned about four essential criteria to get hired as a new Ecommerce photographer. Hopefully, these tips will be helpful for you to bring more commercial photography projects.

Keep in touch with Clipping Way. We’ll make you feel happier with more essential tips. Do you have any queries about Ecommerce Product Photo Post Processing? Contact us now to get solutions from our experts. Feel free to ask.


How do I get photography clients?

You have to build a strong portfolio, promote your photography skills and create accounts in photography marketplaces. 

Where can I promote myself as a commercial photographer?

Fiverr, Upwork, and Freelancer are the 3 best marketplaces for photographers. 

On which website i can sell photos?

You can sell your photos in Adobe Stock, Canva, Crestock, Depositphotos, and Dreamstime.

How much can i earn from Shutterstock?

You can get around 40% commission by selling your photos and videos.

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